JavaScript JS Ecosystem: Top Front- and Back-End Development Tools

Therefore, this front-end development tool’s main goal is to help devs build single-page web applications. In addition, it helps them in keeping diverse parts of web applications synchronized. Vue.js is not entirely a framework and it’s focused on the view layer. Therefore, it’s easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or projects.

front end developer tools

Combining with some other tools, It also becomes a “framework.” Presently it has over 26.6K Github stars and left many other top front-end development tools behind. Backbone.js is a JavaScript library used for building client-side apps that run in a web browser. The magic this library has is that it gives structure to web applications by offering models with key-value binding and custom events.


Many projects suffer from inefficient management and unclear objectives because business owners don’t have enough information to support their… Laravel provides users with enterprise-level security features to help fix security problems and speed up the debugging process. Programmers can also use Vue.js to create clickable prototypes. With its data-binding features, it can handle a lot of animations, graphics, and interactive elements.

  • Devserver is portable, modular, fully configurable and easy to update and extend.
  • This code editor can be downloaded for free, but you’ll need a license to use it.
  • Pure – a set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.

The codes promote reusability, and its assets include better plugin controls. It also favours faster app development and provides advanced ability to create clean and manageable Single Page Applications. Its chief goal includes smooth and easy development and testing of apps. It also provides client-side model–view–controller and model–view–view-model architecture. Git can handle small files and large tasks and provide maximum support and efficiency. Speaking of looking good, front-end frameworks are another must-have for front-end developers!

React Native

You have complete control over scalability and uniqueness with Angular. To speed up and standardise development across teams and apps, create reusable and highly how to become a front end developer flexible dev environments for components. helps your team collaborate so that all of your applications and team members are up to date and in sync.

  • Selenium is a cross-platform tool that supports ten programming languages and seven browsers.
  • Microsoft Azure – quickly create powerful cloud apps for web and mobile clients.
  • CodePen is the most diverse online coding environment in that you can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and even try out those libraries and frameworks you were just reading about.
  • It includes support for light and dark themes based on user OS settings and includes a small set of CSS variables that you can use for theming, if needed.
  • HTMLShell is a simple tool you can use for generating a copy-and-paste customized HTML template for a landing page or other project.

Over 20 pre-installed libraries are available to extend your app’s functionality. For example, Laravel Cashier offers features for processing coupons, changing subscription formats, and generating PDF invoices. It has a templating engine called Blade that allows you to build unique layouts. The layout can be used in other views, so the design and structure are consistent throughout the development process. Vue.js apps can have issues when running on older iOS and Safari browsers. This typically leads developers to switch to different frameworks.

Benefits of Using Front End Development Tools in 2022

A developer’s life without those tools would be doomed to endless hours of work on a single application. They consist of ready-made pieces of code that help to perform certain functions. Frameworks and libraries have their ecosystems too and allow for building the whole product within one. But what is the difference between a library and a framework? Basically, the principle of their functions is the same, but a framework is a wider concept.

front end developer tools

W3.CSS is one of the few tools on this list that isn’t actually new. Apparently it’s been around in some form since 2015 but I only discovered it this past year. It’s a modern, responsive, mobile-first CSS framework similar to Bootstrap, made by the team at W3Schools. Lightning Builder is a free website mockup and wireframes builder that includes galleries of common components you can choose from. It requires signing up if you want to save your project and design multiple pages. Almond.CSS is the first of three “class-less” CSS frameworks that made this year’s list.

It also auto-fills repetitive code and enables unit tests for your projects. They allow developers to preview HTML and CSS changes as well as write and debug JavaScript code directly on a browser. FUNCTION12 helps convert design files to developer-level code in React, Flutter, and HTML without redundant hand-coding. There are many JavaScript frameworks available, each with its own set of features and strengths. Some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks include React, Angular, and Vue.

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